Monday, December 17, 2012


Flat panorama of the school grounds and street
Panorama tunnel of my street
Panorama planet of the school

Monday, December 3, 2012

Self Portraits

Hard hat and rifle, at attention outside Kaiba's room.
Duck face and pink brush in a bathroom mirror THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS.
Studying a lively game of chess.
Me giving my camera a frustrated and annoyed look as the timer hit zero, since I was having issues with it standing straight.
Sabattier version of the earlier picture.
Lord of the Rings is the single best thing in existence no exceptions.
Multiple exposure of me with the Prussian Eagle stamped on my chest.
A checkerboard texture over my chess photograph.
I tried to scan my face and ew.


My mom, somewhat frustrated, in black and white.
My mom, eating toast while trying to have a conversation after work, cyanotype
Peter in deep thought while tying flies, sepia
My mom in a stereotypical Japanese photo pose, confirmed by our stay in Japan, black and white
My mom smiling at a lame joke by Peter, who moved when the picture was taken, cross-process
Also here's a picture of cross-processed Kaiba